Tag: Cloud

  • Why does the interface matter? Cloud provider consoles compared

    Developers are used to high quality design in consumer products, so they expect the same when using business products. Why is this important and how do the big 3 cloud providers compare?

  • Is Google Cloud experiencing challenges going upmarket?

    Google’s first day keynote did not go down well within the community, focusing on enterprise and with nothing really new to say, but it made up for it on the second day

  • Will Spotify be to Google Cloud as Netflix is to AWS?

    Almost exactly a year ago, we heard that Spotify was working on a huge migration over to Google Cloud. They got off to a great start with a series of blog posts about their use of Google Cloud Pub/Sub, which I used to calculate what they might be paying if they…

  • The golden age of SaaS

    There’s no longer any good reason to run your own software. Everything you need to run your business is available as a service. Even core software components like databases and queues are now available through IaaS like Amazon’s RDS and Google’s pub/sub. When you buy something as a service, it will be…

  • Google’s cloud strategy becomes clearer with TensorFlow

    With the announcement of Google’s new machine learning hardware, its cloud platform strategy is becoming clear

  • How reliable is Google Cloud?

    Nothing is 100% reliable. When designing application architecture, you have to assume there will be failures. Historically, this has meant deploying across racks, rooms and data centres to ensure that local switch, power and geographic incidents do not affect your entire infrastructure. When deploying on the cloud, this translates to…

  • The importance of ‘dogfooding’ in the cloud

    Amazon.com runs entirely on AWS EC2 and Microsoft runs Office365, Skype, and XBox Live on Azure. But Google doesn’t run any of its products on GCP. Here’s why it matters

  • How much is Spotify paying Google Cloud?

    Two weeks ago, Spotify announced it was migrating from its own datacentres to Google Cloud Platform. This is a huge win from Google because Spotify is the first major service running at huge scale that is deploying across many of its cloud products (and talking about it). We all know that Snapchat…

  • What’s the real reason Microsoft and Google are releasing open source?

    Google and Microsoft might be generously helping the open source community, but there are real strategic reasons for their open source projects too

  • How green is your cloud?

    The public clouds run by Amazon, Google, IBM, and Microsoft all claim a commitment to green energy — but the clear leader in this field may surprise you